
Controlling Notifications of Updated Documents

Consider a scenario whereby you want to make changes to a document that may involve different contributors to the document.

Read and Understood sweeps the enabled libraries to identify which documents have been updated to then put targeted documents into lifecycle and start the notification process. However, some documents may require an authoring process that may take many days. To stop Read and Understood putting a document into lifecycle too early you have the following options:

If you have updated the document in error, or simply want to make changes the following day it is possible to delete the document from the Notification Process from within the Settings list > fast-track where you will see the document ready for notification. Simply delete it and it will not be added to the lifecycle until it is next updated.

For company documents that have a more complex review and update process, such as company policy, we recommend you use the SharePoint feature to enable Minor and Major version on its library. When working on the document, work with minor versions, and only when you are ready for the notification to be sent, check it in as a major version. This Microsoft Article explains the Major and Minor Versions. Read and Understood is aligned with this approach as the way to manage how documents are controlled before being made available to a wider audience.


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