
How long should we give users to complete an acknowledgement request?

This question crops up a lot. While we might be keen to put that new updated document out and get an immediate response, it will be decided by the type of document/s you are updating/creating. For example:

A company policy

This type of document is important to how employees perform their jobs, however we must make sure this information is made available to all employees. In such a case, we should factor in holiday leave or possible staff sickness to ensure that when the employee returns to work that have sufficient time to read the document and complete the acknowledgement request. As a guide, we would recommend a minimum of 21 days (3 weeks) for company policies, procedures etc.

A project document

While working on projects you may need information to be read much quicker, perhaps within a much shorter timeframe - 1 or 2 days. In addition, when using content types with projects you can have different reading categories based on the content type so for some document just send a notification, or for the more critical project files, send an acknowledgement request.


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